Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Integrated Circuits-Bistables

Bistables, as stated, have two(Bi) stable states. The majority have at least two inputs and two outputs, one output being the complement of the other. A bistable is sometimes called a bistable multivibrator, binary trigger, and frequently by the American term of flip-flop.

The bistable is a device which is capable of having its output set by an input signal; the input signal may then be removed, but the bistable output will be unaffected. Provided that the normal power supplies are maintained, the device will remember’ the original input condition. Each bistable is, therefore, capable of storing one bit (logic 1 or 0) of information. Any number of bistables can then be linked together to form a register capable of remembering n bits of information. 
There are various bistables as following
  • R-S
  • RST
  • JK
  • Edge triggered bistable
  • T bistable
  • D bistable

A bistable is often called a sequential device because its output depends not only on the present value of inputs, but also upon the past history of the inputs. Bistables are the basic building blocks for counters, registers, dividers and other sequential systems.

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