Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Flight Management System (FMS)

A Flight Management System (FMS) is a computer-based flight control system and is capable of four main functions:
1.     Automatic Flight Control.
2.     Performance Management.
3.     Navigation and Guidance.
4.     Status and Warning Displays.
The FMS utilizes two Flight Management Computers (FMC) for redundancy purposes.  During normal operation both computers crosstalk; that is, they share and compare information through the data bus.  Each computer is capable of operating completely independently in the event of one failed unit.
The FMC receives input data from four sub-system computers:

1.     Flight Control Computer (FCC).
2.     Thrust Management Computer (TMC).
3.     Digital Air Data Computer (DADC).
4.     Engine Indicating & Crew Alerting System (EICAS).

Data inputs are received from flight deck controls, navigation aids and various airframe and engine sensors.

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