Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Basic Cable Coding System

(1)           (2)               (3)       (4)       (5)                     (6)
 1         E         F          6          B         22              NMS   V

Position 1
Unit number, used where components have identical circuits.
Position 2
Circuit function letter and circuit designation letter which indicate circuit function and the associated system.
Position 3
Cable number, allocated to differentiate.
Position 4
Cable segment letter, which identifies the segment of cable between two terminals or connections, and differentiates between segments of the circuit when the same cable number is used throughout.  Segments are lettered in alphabetical sequence, excluding the letter I and O.  A different letter is used for each of the cable segments having a common terminal or connection.
Position  5
Cable size.
Position 6
Suffix data, used to indicate the type of cable and to identify its connection function.  For example, in the example code NMS V indicates nyvinmetsheath ungrounded cable in a single-phase system.

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